Two cousins. A friend at church. An old high school friend. A former colleague. It's truly amazing, and pretty awesome.
I'd be interested to see statistics on the rate of conceptions through IVF. I assume the numbers must be increasing - not just that the procedure is getting more successful, but that more and more people are turning to it as a last resort (versus believing that a baby is not in their future because they cannot conceive naturally).
Is it because the science is getting so good that couples, who in the past may have tried and tried for many years with no luck, are turning to IVF sooner?
Is it because it is covered under SOME health insurance plans? Yes, I know, the rate of coverage isn't nearly where it should be.
I wonder about our own scenario. We tried for about a year and a half before turning to IVF. I know that many of my blog friends tried for much longer than that. In the past, was IVF just for those who had tried for many, many years? And now it is an option sooner in the process?
I don't know, I'm just brainstorming on this Friday because I'm so intrigued by it all.
Feel free to leave your thoughts.