Most recently, I've come across several stories of children with just horrible, terrible diseases that mean they will likely never make it beyond childhood. A sweet baby in my area has Miller-Dieker Syndrome, something I know very little about beyond my Google searches, and her parents don't know how long she'll be with them. I just can't even imagine. How do you live with that? I know that these wonderful parents have to find a way to treasure each moment and still live, but I get so choked up just thinking about the pain they have to deal with day in and day out.
I guess I don't want to dwell too much more on this, but it has been on my mind a lot and I wanted to get it down on "paper." I guess the other side of it is that, while I'm generally an optimistic person, I can't help but be fearful thinking that something devastating could hit my family, too. Obviously that is no way to live, but I guess fear of what could happen is part of being a parent (and life in general).