Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Darn labor!

No worries, I'm not going into labor! But someone else did and it really screwed up my day. Hubby and I finally decided to do the ultrascreen prenatal test, which includes bloodwork and an ultrasound. While we are not real gung-ho about genetic testing, we decided to do this because 1) our insurance covers it and 2) it gives us another ultrasound before the big one at 19 weeks (thanks, Tara, for giving me the idea to check with my insurance company).

So today was the big day. I was so excited about it and looked forward to it the whole time in Vegas (which I survived - another story, another time). Our appointment was at 8am in the city so hubby and I drove in together...we got about 20 minutes along when we got a call from the doctor's office. Apparently the sonographer went into labor - which I guess she believed was more important than my ultrasound - and therefore my appointment was cancelled. Darn!

I know, it's not as big of a deal as I'm making it to be. Just a little disappointment along the road. The appointment is rescheduled for next Tuesday. Guess I should be a pro at waiting by now! I can't wait to see the little cashew at 12 weeks!


  1. I'm sorry you have to wait, but you better post pics so we can all admire the little cashew. Can't wait to hear about Vegas! Or is it what happens there, stays there? Even for pregnant people?

  2. oh my god i would be sooooooooo disappointed if that happened to me! i hope you get in very soon!

  3. I'm feeling like you're not going to see a little cashew!!! I THINK YOU'RE GONNA SEE A BIG BEAUTIFUL BABY!!!! My friend got a 3D u/s at 12 weeks and it was the cutest little thing!!! A little alien like...but still adorable!!!

  4. UGH!!! What a pain!!!! I am glad your insurance covers's so nice to see how they are growing and get a little extra peek at what they are looking like! Come on, Tuesday! HURRY UP!!!

  5. Aww, I'm sorry your appt. had to be cancelled. :-( I hope next Tuesday comes soon for you!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sorry, typo in the first comment.
    OK, the delay sucks. But think how reassuring it'll be to see that all's well at over 12 weeks! And the kid will be even more cute then, moving more etc

  8. Bummer about the delay, but good news that rescheduling it isn't going to take forever! Tuesday is only a few days away.
