Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm Boring!

Hi all...yep, I'm boring. Nothing new to report.

But I do want to welcome any ICLW'ers to the site and hope you'll stick around. As you probably can tell, we had our first IVF cycle in June and were so blessed to have it to be successful. I'm just over 9 weeks pregnant with an estimated due date of March 22nd. Yay!

And I've been doubly blessed because, as of today, knock on wood, I haven't had even one ounce of sickness, extreme fatigue or the other fun stuff that one usually associates with pregnancy. Each day I keep thinking that will be the day it hits...but so far, so good.

Here's what I do have. I can't stop eating. I am hungry all the time! I was telling my hubby today that I can't remember the last time I felt full. The upside is, since I've been feeling good, I can still run every day so hopefully that is counteracting all the extra calories I'm consuming. I think I'm up to about 7 meals/snacks a day!

My first full prenatal appointment with the OB is on Tuesday, Aug. 25th. It doesn't include an u/s...does anyone know if they check the heartbeat with a dopplar? I just wonder how they will even know that all is well in there?

Anyways, told you I'm boring. I'll post after my appointment on Tuesday. Bye bye for now and thanks for stopping by!


  1. You're not boring!!! I'm glad to hear everything is still going well!! That's awesome that you're able to run! You go girl!! I've been too scared to start up again!

    I know what you mean about being hungry...its like every two hours I need to have a little something!! My tummy is growling hungry by then!!! :o)

  2. I'm so glad that things are still moving along and you're feeling well! Hope the appt. goes well next week! Praying for you and your little one!

  3. I envy your boring-ness! An uneventful pregnancy sounds great to me.

    Good luck at the appointment on Tuesday - can't wait to hear all about it. And play up the IF stuff, so they give you an U/S.

  4. Congratulations on the pregnancy!! And good luck with the appointment!

  5. Congrats! I can't wait to hear your update after your appointment! That is awesome that the morning sickness has escaped you. I have some for both of us though ;-).


  6. Congratulations on your pregnancy and wow getting knocked up first time IVF, how lucky are you!

    I hope the pregnancy goes smoothly and that you have a sticky baby in there.


  7. Congratulations! :-) I hope everything goes well at your appointment.

  8. Oh what a fantastic news! Congrats on being pregnant...and now you have legit reasons for all the calories..:-)

    Be good and take care...I am no help in the doppler advice department..


  9. Congrats on the pregnancy, and congrats on it going so smoothly! Looking forward to reading your awesome updates!


  10. congrats on the pregnancy! i'm 14 weeks after IVF and they have checked the HR at every appt either by u/s or doppler.


  11. Congratulations Mrs. Hope in VA!
    I'm here in the DC metro area (VA) as well. I wish you a continued boring pregnancy :)


  12. They've used a doppler at all of my OB appointments. I think they can't reliably hear a heartbeat at 9 1/2 weeks, but they'll try at least, and hopefully they'll hear it.

    Good luck with everything!



    Congratulations on your (so far)easy pregnancy *knocks on wood* hope it stays that way for you!

    I'm sure you'll get at least a Doppler to hear the heart beat. I'm kind of surprised they aren't doing an ultrasound. Maybe your next visit?

  14. Happy ICLW!

    Congrats on your BFP!
    Hope your appointment goes well on Tues!
    Look forward to reading about your pregnancy (and being green with envy! heehee!)

    Sending lots of sticky, healthy thoughts to you and your baby!


  15. Boring is always a good thing. Good luck on Tuesday. :-D

  16. my ob doesn't do the first ultrasound until TWENTY WEEKS!!! can you believe it?? luckily i had six and eight week ultrasounds with my re, and even though they don't do the regular ultrasound until twenty weeks i did have one with my nt scan two weeks ago so i technically had one at 12 1/2 weeks too. i'm sure your ob will use the doppler to check the heartrate, if for some reason he/she doesn't, just ask, it only takes a minute.

  17. congrats on your pregnancy after ivf!! i am 29 weeks pregnant following ivf and couldnt be happier. i, too, did not get sick at all. although, the fatigue was unbearable.

    i wish you a continued happy and healthy pregnancy!


  18. Glad everything is going so well. Have you checked out Chicklet's blog at Bloorb. She is a runner too and she has some great tips that have allowed her to continue running.

  19. Stopping by via ICLW :) Congrats on your pregnancy and successful IVF :) My 7 yr old was due in March (on St. Patricks Day) and he was my miracle after 5 years of secondary infertility!! So Yay!! :)

    I hope your appointment today when wonderfully!!
