Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I've discovered that, when pregnant, there is nothing better than getting to have an ultrasound (feeling the baby moving around is right up there, too). To get to see the beautiful cashew there on the monitor moving around...there isn't a feeling much like it.

We don't have another ultrasound scheduled until 32 weeks...that's a long ways away (9 weeks to be exact).

But...I have connections :)

My brother, a lawyer, happens to have a client who is an ultrasound technician. How about that??? While he lives 4 hours away, it just so happens to be where we are heading for Thanksgiving. This very nice u/s tech kindly offered to let us come in before the office opens to have a surprise visit with our beautiful baby girl. That's tomorrow...I can't wait.

I'll post pictures as soon as I can.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there.


  1. How wonderful that you get to have an ultrasound. It must be so comforting. :-D

  2. That's awesome! Enjoy your sneak preview and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  3. Yay for connections! Enjoy your visit with your family and your little cashew!


  4. There is nothing better than seeing that little body wiggling around!!! I agree!! I'm so glad you get to have that sneak peek...you have even more to be thankful for this thanksgiving!!

  5. It's lovely that you have supportive family. Your sisters-in-law sound like they are your friends too.
    Reading about your "extra" scan brought back memories of travelling on business with my husband throughout the first 5 months of my son's pregnancy. I took advantage by contacting an OB/GYN in each location so I could keep track of how the little one was doing. After my miscarriages and IVF, I felt entitled to as much information as I could get.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a healthy remainder of your pregnancy.

    Lisa (ICLW #195 Your Great Life)

  6. Lucky you ! Good rendez-vous with your baby and happy Icomleavwe.


  7. Yay for the extra sneak peak! What a great special Thanksgiving treat!

  8. That's awesome!! What a nice surprise on Thanksgiving day!

    Best wishes....!

  9. Yippee, how exciting! Here from ICLW, thanks for your support in my tww, and how great is that to get to see your baby on Thanksgiving!

  10. Awesome that you get a bonus ultrasound to catch a peak of your baby.

    Congrats on your pregnancy, I hope you have a healthy and uneventful pregnancy.

    Have a happy thanksgiving!

  11. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  12. That's pretty cool ;)

